Copy and Paste
Image By: Christopher Dombres (CC BY 2.0) Copyright has become a growing issue over the internet over the years. Many people whether it is music, papers, pictures, animations, and etc. content will be copied by someone or reused. You see people all the time use quotes and excerpts from different content. People who make their own YouTube videos normally include some kind of music to go with it, that is most likely not their own work. Same can be said for most students when it comes to paper, we will include quotes from other people that really stick out to us. In a Prezi presentation we looked at, it goes over just how we can use other people’s work, music, and other content somewhat freely. By following some of rules and guidelines in this Prezi presentation you should be able to use most content without worrying about copyright laws hitting you where it hurts! One of the simple things you could do to avoid this is to cite just where you are getting your copied or ...