
Showing posts from September, 2017

Copy and Paste

Image By: Christopher Dombres (CC BY 2.0)  Copyright has become a growing issue over the internet over the years. Many people whether it is music, papers, pictures, animations, and etc. content will be copied by someone or reused. You see people all the time use quotes and excerpts from different content. People who make their own YouTube videos normally include some kind of music to go with it, that is most likely not their own work. Same can be said for most students when it comes to paper, we will include quotes from other people that really stick out to us. In a Prezi  presentation we looked at, it goes over just how we can use other people’s work, music, and other content somewhat freely. By following some of rules and guidelines in this Prezi presentation you should be able to use most content without worrying about copyright laws hitting you where it hurts! One of the simple things you could do to avoid this is to cite just where you are getting your copied or ...

Piracy is illegal but?

Image by: Stephen Dann (CC BY-SA 2.0) When it comes to music, movies, and even games it is possible to somehow in some way get it through piracy. One of the biggest examples of this was through sites and applications such as Napster, Lime-wire, and bear-share. These sites were used for people could download music and even some movies without having to purchase them. Sure, these sites have been sued as well as shut down because of piracy laws, however as years go by other ways of piracy have taken hold. An example of this is just other day my roommates were watching a movie (which I in turned watched with them) I did not know what the movie was called until more than three-fourth of the movie was over. Turned out the movie we had just watched was "The Hitman's Bodyguard", which turns out is still in theaters! So yes, piracy is illegal, but is it really going to stop people from doing it? Rip A Remix Manifesto

Reddit, a collaboration or more of a community?

Image by: Mehdl Kabob (C.C by 2.0) Mehdl's Flicker During this day and age, the internet is used for a lot of different reasons. There are sites that were made so that people could come together and discuss various topics. Now normally when you think of a bunch of people coming together to discuss things, you think of people who are collaborating together to put ideas together. One site that is extremely popular is reddit, which generally has millions of people on it per day. When it comes to reddit, many people can come together and talk about different ideas in categories called subreddits which are like mini communities. Now you would think these are good examples of people collaborating because they are coming together like they are to discuss a specific topic. However, to me this is not the case seeing as not everyone in reddit are there to actually do anything. Some people are there just to waste time, or in some cases be complete trolls. This doesn't follow how a co...

Job well done?

Image: Business Men, CC0 C.C When working groups with other people, there are ways to make a group successful in what it is trying to achieve. When you first are making a group, you are actually doing the first step which is the "forming" of the group. This is probably the most natural part of a group seeing as people can come together to form a group if they have similar thoughts or ideas. A prime example of this is a sports team, because a bunch of people come together because of their love of the sport they are playing. The second step of being in a group is the "storming" process. Now this process can cause many problems in a group seeing as this is the part where the members can bump heads with one another and voice their own opinions. This is the best time to for people to be selfish and let out all their thoughts in order to eventually come to a compromise with the others within the group. If you can't compromise how can you work together? This b...