Lets work together!

File:Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept.jpg
Image by: Scott Maxwell, (CC BY-SA 2.0)

CC BY-SA 2.0

CC BY-SA 2.0

When it comes to working in groups whether it is in a small group that has two people or group with more interdependence is an important aspect to all groups. This is because when it comes to group projects or activities, you will need to be able to trust the other people in your group to pull there own weight as well as you pulling your own as well.

Such groups that are like this are CoP’s or Communities of Practice which usually coincide or people who share the same common expertise, passion, or experience in a specific field or practice. An example of this would be auto repair engineers, they may not meet up very often, but when they do they are able to be interdependent with other engineers who are all trying to figure out auto issues.
 These CoP’s are also a great way for people to figure out problems together and help advance the field in that area as a result. One example of this is programming languages, people all over the world are able to help each other out figuring out these languages which in turn helps advance it faster. An example of this is from this short video "Clay Shirky and Pearl" where Shirky talks about how pearl is getting there tech support from people all over who are doing this type of programming language.


  1. I agree with what you're trying to say. Trust is very important when trying to collaborate with one another. Without this groups tend to fail on achieving their goals, especially if each group needs the help and understanding of one another. knowledge shared between any collaboration, whether it be a a company trying to raise its profits or a small group in a school trying to get an assignment done, is what makes groups succeed.


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